Tuesday, May 23, 2006

but surely saved one

So... not much news, actually. I saw Ebolahond's IW army at GW Amsterdam yesterday, and it simply blew me away. The level of detail that this dude puts into every model is amazing, to say the least.

On the home front, I'm still working on the first batch of plague marines. When I get my archive marines and the bolter arms that I ordered (should be somewhere next week, hopefully), I can go ahead and finish up the first 20-man squad. Then it's off to find a new way of doing my orange colour scheme. I'm sick of the thick and rather chunky look that my earlier models have, so I'll most likely end up using a white basecoat.

Also, a bit of a reminder towards myself: I'm going to try and get my unit(s)/army/models in that GW display cabinet within the next year. Maybe I can give the guys a link to this blog so they'll see what an awesome painter/sad guy I am. Yeah.

roses are red
violets are blue
all of my base
are belong to you